Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Gary Everhart.
Welcome to my railroad photo albums index page. Luckily I live in northwest Indiana with its rich diversity of trains.
Currently, I am trying
to restore my albums after the tragic RRPA site crash. Please bear with
me. You can see the re-posted albums under the "Updated Photo Alums" list under the "New Photo Albums" list. Ther are going to be a large number that will be restored. It's a slow process. In the meantime, enjoy what is there.
My albums are an eclectic mix. I enjoy all aspects of railroading - motive power, freight cars, fallen flags, buildings, ROW and museums. Since I'm a Hoosier, I especially enjoy anything connected to Indiana.
To make finding a photo
a little easier (I hope), I am in the process of consolidating individual albums into larger albums by railroad names like the B&O Steam Album or RDG
Steam Album. These can be found at the end of the album index pages.
It's a slow process and currently only working on the steam locomotive
I also like finding, scanning and posting older photos and slides that I have found on eBay, garage sales and antique stores.
I DO make mistakes at times when I'm posting photos so if you notice something incorrect or have additional information to offer, PLEASE contact me. Leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can. I want to post albums as accurately as I can. I am here to learn as well as to share!
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!